Hello everyone!
Berke again, I would like to show you that we are at the end of an era. In our last week, we finished our all activities and said goodbye to each other.
I hate saying goodbyes, but anyway, nothing ever last forever. Our participants went to their homes after a unique 1-month experience in Bergolo.
In our video group, we created a video about daily life in Bergolo, and from our group, Batuhan has also created another video about our group. He also created a gallery where you can see our photos and videos. Thank you for all those memories guys! I will miss each of you.
a daily life in bergolo: https://dar.vin/dlib
batuhan's personal video: https://dar.vin/bpv
batuhan's gallery: https://dar.vin/bg
See you in the next volunteering summer fest!