Hey everyone,
These last 10 days, I had the opportunity to participate in a training course about well-being in Hungary!
It was destinated for youth workers (facilitators, caregivers...) of all ages and different kinds of experiences in this field. Because working with social groups can be very draining and hectic, being conscious of what it is to be burned out and how close are we to getting into such a state is very important to keep our good health and our professionalism intact. This way, compromising our purpose towards working with and for others because we need to recharge and care about ourselves, will be less probable.
This way, I had the chance to meet people that work in the same field and/or for the same purpose as I do, while learning good techniques for recharging and relaxing.
In summary, I would mention the importance to connect with nature, not just by hiking or having picnics in a garden, but also, be mindful of your senses and how nature smells, feels, sounds, tastes and looks. Mindful touching, breathing, listening, looking and touching nature can be a valuable add-on to connect with nature and let your brain focus on the present.
Besides nature, creativity is also an ally. Even for those whose arts and handcrafting creations are far from their competencies, can give a significant improvement to shut down the mind and focus on simple tasks, with no deadlines, headlines, or purposes. No one is going to tell you what to do, just be aware of the materials around you and start your creative process: drawing, painting, collaging, writing, sewing, dancing, singing, moving your body... You do you!
I must say I deeply enjoyed the experience in such a beautiful place as Holloko!
But I can't ignore that I missed my team in Bergolo, so here I am again, getting overflowed with everything that I missed.
Missed you guys,