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Winter life in Bergolo 🏔

Hello lovely people! ✨

Mili here, writing the Monday post after a looong time. 😅

I am finally back to Bergolo after a couple of months away, and I was lucky enough to be welcomed back by an amazing sunset, and the winter serenity of Alta Langa.

As the weather is cold, the office life last week has been slow and relaxed. We are all taking care of some minor tasks and focusing more on our personal projects. And let me tell you, a couple of pretty interesting things are coming in the form of Berke's and Batuhan's personal projects.

To break the slowness of winter life, on Wednesdays we are all attending Italian lessons in a local school, and we are giving back to the school by making presentations for the kids, in order to encourage them to learn English and introduce new cultures to them. Last week, it was my turn, and I prepared an interactive presentation about my country, Serbia.

Recently, Thursdays here have been days for renovating the hostel, and the last one was no exception. We all gathered in the morning to make a detailed plan so we finish the renovations in due time, and in the afternoon we worked together on repainting the hostel, a task that I found to be very creative and relaxing.

On Saturday our whole team has finally been reunited by Ana's return. We welcomed her back with a pizza night and a party afterwards, but it is better to keep the pictures from the party to ourselves. 😅

In other news, two more volunteers will join our team very soon. We are all excited to welcome them and introduce them to our life here in Bergolo.

Make sure to follow our blog in order to see what our team will be up to next week! 🥰

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