Hello everyone! 👋
My name is Milica, and I'm one of the new Vitality 2023 volunteers. Some of you may remember me from last summer, when I took part in the Volunteering Summer Fest.
This time around, I have arrived in Bergolo just in time to enjoy the hills and valleys of Piedmont come alive with the vibrant colors of blooming flowers and trees.
As spring is the time of renewal and rejuvenation, last week at the office was very eventful and productive. There was laughter, some tears, and a lot of work. Abdou and I learned many new things from the Vitality 2022 team and our coordinator Silvia. Everyone worked on different sending projects, and the Vitality 2022 team worked on their report. We also attended Italian classes in school, as well as Sefa's presentation, which included traditional Turkish dancing.
But it wasn't only work, there was also time for rest and exploring. Milli was away for most of the week on a nice family vacation in Sicily. On Wednesday, Sofia and Angelina visited Nice, and Sefa and I met them in Savona on their way back for some delicious pizza. 😋
And while we're on the topic of pizza, on Saturday night Sefa and Damiano made some great pizzas, and we ended the week with a dinner party for many, many people.
With nice weather ahead, and plenty of sunshine in the forecast, I hope the upcoming weeks will only get better and better.
Until next time, ciao!